Crooked Stick members enjoy having caddies alongside them as much as the caddies relish the experience. Steve Kirsh, a member at Crooked Stick since the mid-1990s, often has McKinlay Woodward, a senior at a local high school, carry his clubs. “I helped her to be a caddie and now she’s great. I even paid for her to have golf lessons and bought her a set of clubs,” adds Kirsh. In addition to providing many teenagers with something to do in the summer, the membership of Crooked Stick honors and rewards its hardest working caddies. Pancake added, “Each year, we give out 10 to 16 college scholarships as part of the Crooked Stick Scholarship Program. The scholarships are for caddies and for children of employees of the club. A few of our caddies have received additional financial assistance for college from the Evans Scholarship program which is sponsored by the Western Golf Association.” There is much more to the Crooked Stick caddie experience than just a cash tip after an 18-hole loop. Finally, the seed money for Crooked Stick’s scholarship program came from pin flags, signed by golfer John Daly, and auctioned to the highest bidders, following his win in the 1991 PGA Championship at Crooked Stick. For more information about the Evans Scholarship Program visit: Indiana Golf Journal