Indiana Golf Journal September 2022

What is Thumb Arthritis? MD, an orthopedic hand and upper extremity surgeon with the Franciscan Physician Network Orthopedic Specialists in Indianapolis. People with thumb arthritis might also notice a decreased range of thumb motion and an enlargement in the appearance of their thumb joint. What Are the Risk Factors for Thumb Arthritis? People over the age of 40 are most at risk for thumb arthritis as the condition is caused by a breakdown of joint cartilage over time – a natural effect of aging. Women are more likely to develop arthritis in the thumb than men. People whose normal daily activities place frequent stress on their thumbs may also be more likely to develop carpometacarpal joint arthritis. Patients with certain conditions that cause malformed joints and those who have suffered injuries to their thumb joint could also be at higher risk of developing arthritis in the thumb. How Is Thumb Arthritis Treated? Physicians recommend treating thumb arthritis, initially, with over-the-counter non-steroidal antiBasilar joint thumb arthritis, also known as carpometacarpal joint arthritis, is marked by pain, stiffness and swelling in the joint at the base of the thumb. A common condition, carpometacarpal joint arthritis develops when the cartilage in the thumb joint becomes degenerative over time, causing the bones of the thumb to rub together painfully. What Are Common Symptoms of Thumb Arthritis? “In addition to stiffness and swelling in the thumb, patients with arthritis in the thumb may also notice a weakened grip and feelings of pain when trying to “grip or pinch, such as when opening a door, jar or can,” says Kelly Graner, By Franciscan Health Indiana Golf Journal