Indiana Golf Journal January 2023

Starting January 1, 2023, the USGA, in conjunction with The R&A, has made several changes to the Rules of Golf, most of which are minor and will rarely come into play, but others are important for everyday golfers. There are new rules for golfers with physical limitations, replacing damaged clubs, how to replace the ball to its original spot if it moved on its own volition, as well as a new rule on handicap and scorekeeping. One of the new rules that will come into play more often for the average golfer is how to properly take a drop from a penalty area. The next time you choose to take a drop using back-along-the-line relief, for a ball that finds its way into in a penalty area, or an unplayable lie, you will need to proceed slightly different than in the past. New Rules For 2023 The correct drop must now be on the direct line between the flagstick and the point you choose, unlike last year, when you would pick out your point on that direct line and then could drop up to a club-length from there in a half-circle. After dropping your golf ball on this point, it can now roll up to one club-length in ANY direction of where it first touched the line, thus creating a fullcircle of relief. The spot of relief is on-the-line where the ball first touches the ground, when dropped. That drop and where the ball touches the ground creates the relief area. The relief area is not established until the ball contacts the ground. Hopefully, understanding the proper drop will help you win a bet the next time you visit the 19th hole. For a complete list of all the rules changes for 2023 visit By Mitch Moon Indiana Golf Journal