Indiana Golf Journal october

“Beer on the Green” Out on the course, the sun’s shining bright, Clubs in the cart, everything feels right. First swing of the day, hopes are sky-high, But the ball hooks left—well, I gave it a try. No worries at all, I crack open a brew, Golf and cold beer, the perfect crew. Miss a putt? Sip away the pain, With beer in hand, it’s all just a game. On the fairway or rough, no stress here, Just me, my clubs, and another cold beer. A slice or a shank, I’ll give it a cheer, ‘Cause nothing goes better with golf than beer. By the last hole, my score’s a mess, But my mood? Perfect—beer is the best! So, here’s to the game, win, lose, or par, With beer in the cart, I’ll always go far! ………Author Unknown Some golfers believe that golf is just another good reason to drink beer outdoors. Here is a poem dedicated to those fun-loving, beer-chugging, cart girl chasing hackers.