Indiana Golf Journal october

What Are The Potential Outcomes Of PRP Injections? Studies show an 80 to 85 percent improvement in reduced pain and enhanced function. Some people experience complete relief from their pain. It usually takes about three to 12 months to feel the full benefits of PRP. “I would say three months is kind of that magic number to get that full benefit from it,” said Dr. Reese. “It’s not an immediate magical cure. The goal of PRP is to create long-term healing. So, it’s not a quick fix.” Should I Avoid Any Medications When Having PRP? A week before the injections and a month after, it’s critical to avoid anti-inflammatory medications, which can interfere with the healing response. Your doctor may prescribe pain medication. How Long Do PRP Injections Last? After the initial treatment, your doctor will schedule a follow-up visit four to eight weeks later to check on the healing progress. Some patients respond very well to just one treatment. However, some people need two or three treatments. In those cases, doctors provide injections every eight to 12 weeks. Get Care For Your Injury Don’t let injuries hold you back. Schedule your PRP therapy consultation at Franciscan Health Sports Medicine today and start your journey back to peak performance. Indiana Golf Journal