Avoid Dehydration on the Golf Course this Summer

  • by Fred
  • 5 Years ago
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By: Fred Altvater


With the summer months come high temperatures and humidity. Golfers spend several hours sweating during a round, or practice session. Dehydration affects concentration and muscle effectiveness, plus it can be a dangerous health concern.

The Department of Health and Human Services developed the attached poster for the do’s and don’ts, as well as, recommendations to stay hydrated, while working or playing outside.

Hydration Tips:  

-Always consume adequate amounts of water, plus consume a proper diet to maximize hydration and salt replenishment

-Hydrate before you go out to play and continue to drink water during your round.

-A balanced diet will replace electrolytes lost to sweat

-Avoid energy drinks, soft drinks and alcoholic beverages that tend to accentuate dehydration.

-Seek out shade, when possible, to escape the glaring sun

-Use a damp towel or cloth to wipe your face and neck


Most people don’t realize they are even becoming dehydrated, until they lose concentration, or their swing, during a round.

I always carry a bottle of water for a round of golf and drink water continuously throughout the day. Recently, however, during a golf trip in Georgia, playing in 90-degree temperatures, I was unable to take my usual bottle of water on the front nine, plus no water stops were available.

On a particularly difficult second shot at No. 9, my swing completely disappeared, plus I didn’t have the normal feel in my arms and hands. An untidy double bogey ensued to mar an otherwise solid nine-hole score.

At the turn I drank nearly half a bottle of water, before we hit the 10th tee and continued to hydrate after every shot. My swing and feel problems persisted throughout the first couple of holes on the back side. Finally, on No. 13, I regained my feel and swing, but the damage had been done to the score card.

Carrying a damp towel to occasionally wipe your face and neck can help cool the body, as well. There are also a variety of towels and fabrics that will help you hydrate, while on the golf course.

Dehydration can be a serious detriment to enjoying a round of golf. Make sure you stay hydrated and play your best golf this summer.

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