Golf Cart Etiquette Tips

  • by Pat
  • 6 Years ago
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By Richard Todd


Many golfers choose to ride in a cart, rather than walk. If this is your preference, then enjoy the drive, but take precautions for care and compliance, as golf carts can negatively impact the conditions of the course. To decrease damage, follow these suggestions.


Some areas of the course are more sensitive than others. 

  • Stay clear of newly planted trees, or turf
  • Do not drive on or near a putting green. A good rule of thumb, stay at least 30 yards away from the green.


Wet or young turf is easily damaged under the heavy weight and creates extra work for the maintenance staff, requiring extra time for the grass to properly heal.

  • Avoid wet areas, including standing water and water hazards, or newly planted grass


Dry grass can be destroyed, when subjected to pressure, such as from a golf cart. The damage may not show immediately, as wet ground does, but will display after time.

  • Limit cart use on very dry turf


Driving over the same area repeatedly decreases the time for regrowth and increases the damage. Avoid other golfer’s tire tracks when choosing your path.

  • Chose a path less traveled by others and stay on the cart path as much as possible.


Be aware if entrance and exits posts from the cart path onto the fairways are being used to monitor the traffic flow.


Fewer carts means less traffic and toil on the course.

  • Share a cart


Areas marked as off limits should be avoided at all costs. Stay far enough away to not disrupt the area and allow for growth and repair.

  • Avoid areas marked by the course committee as ground under repair. Look for signs, lines, ropes, or flags.


Many golf courses maintain protected areas, wetlands or grass areas, for the proliferation of wildlife, natural habitat or drainage.


Course groundskeepers want you to enjoy your round, but also need to adequately care for the course to guarantee an enjoyable golfing experience for future golfers.


Follow their recommendations!

  • Always stick to the course rules, such as 90 degree or cart path only.


Cart Rules:

A cart, and everything in it, is considered part of your equipment.

  • If you accidentally hit the cart with your ball, a one stroke penalty is incurred.


If a ball comes to rest on the floor of a golf cart, consider it a movable obstruction.

  • Simply move the cart and put the ball back into play by dropping it at a point below where it had laid in the cart. [USGA Rule 24-2b.]


The next time you’re racing around the golf course on your cart, keep these few tips in mind to help keep the course in great, playable shape!



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