Golf Leads the Way for Charitable Donations

  • by Fred
  • 5 Years ago
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By Fred Altvater

Over 12 million golfers participate in a charity golf outing every year to help raise a total of $4 Billion for thousands of charitable organizations across the country.

Everyone is aware of the nearly $3 billion the PGA Tour has raised through its tournaments, since 1938.

The LPGA Tour also creates needed dollars for the communities it visits. In Toledo, the Marathon Classic distributes over $500,000 annually to 23 area children’s charities and over its history has raised over $10 million.

Together the PGA and LPGA Tours annually generate over $200 million of the $4 billion annually given to charities through golf related events.

Where does the other $3.8 billion come from?

Average golfers participating in every conceivable size and type of golf outing or event make up the difference. Every year more than 12 million participants take part in 143,000 golf events at over 12,700 courses in the United States, with each event, on average, raising $26,400.

With approximately 20 million golfers in the U.S, over 50% of golfers in the country account for the $3.8 billion of charitable contributions.

If you participated in a golf outing or benefit this year at your local golf course, give yourself a BIG

“ATTA BOY! You DUN Real Good!”

The numbers are Astounding!

Big name golfers also get in on the act and hold dozens of outings that raise millions of dollars. Jack Nicklaus and Arnold Palmer are well-known for their efforts to support hospitals for children and mothers. Morgan Pressel has raised several million dollars in her annual golf outing to support breast cancer. Many more professional golfers establish foundations to funnel money to a variety of charities that are near and dear to their hearts.

Golf annually donates more through its charitable activities than Major League Baseball, the National Football League, the National Hockey League and the National Basketball League combined.

Although golf is portrayed as an elitist sport, which limits the ability of less fortunate to participate in the sport. I would argue that Americans with disposable income that play in charitable golf outings, contribute more than their fair share and support their communities through the various outings and fund raisers centered around the golf course.

The gigantic amount, of charitable dollars generated through golf, is unprecedented. The mass media does not address this single fact nearly enough and is missing a great story.

Have some fun, help your community and local charities, sign up for a golf outing this summer.


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