OMG!! It’s December!! 

  • by Fred
  • 4 Years ago
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Are you in a panic because Santa is only a few days away? Ohio Golf Journal has a few ideas that can help bring a smile to your favorite golfer’s face, plus provide a gift that will be appreciated and used, this Christmas.  

We have short reviews on several golfing gifts that won’t break the bank but are perfect for any golfer. 

If you are concerned about how you will pay for college when your child is ready to leave the nest, Dr. Kathleen Miles and her company Golf Globally can help find the right scholarship for your college bound golfer. 

This has been a trying year to say the least, but Ohio has seen a resurgence of golfers heading to the links. Golf has proven to be one of the safest things you can do during the pandemic and local courses are reaping the benefits. 

We close out 2020 with the Top Golf Stories of the Year. COVID is definitely the story of the year, but despite quarantining, masks and social distancing, golf in Ohio thrived amid the turmoil and hopefully golfers will keep returning to the links once the pandemic is over. 

The December issue is the 72nd publication since we introduced the digital publication in 2014. We want to thank our followers and vendors for making Ohio Golf Journal the place to find their golf news and information about the grand game in this state. 

If you are headed south, maybe I will see you on the Back 9. 

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