Tag Archives: Editor

Golf is Better in Florida (in January)

  • by Fred
  • 5 Years ago
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I know this is the Ohio Golf Journal, but in January and February golf is much better enjoyed in sunny and warm Florida. Plus, we were able to meet old friends and collect many new interviews for Back 9 Report TV at the PGA Merchandise Show at the end of January. Traveling around Florida for […]

WOW!! It’s 2019 Already 

  • by Fred
  • 5 Years ago
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Wasn’t it just a couple of years ago we were worried about Y2K, a new century and mass hysteria on the Internet? Here we are 18 years into a new era and technology is affecting our everyday and golf lives, like never before.  Time waits for no man (or woman) and Ohio Golf Journal is excited to be entering our fifth […]

Merry Christmas & a Happy Golf Year!!

  • by Fred
  • 6 Years ago
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Ohio Golf Journal wants to wish every Golfaholic a very Merry Christmas, plus we hope Santa leaves some great golf stuff under the tree for you. Reflecting back on 2018 brings a smile to our face. We were fortunate to be able to visit several of the top golf destinations in the country and write […]

June is a Busy Month for Golf in Ohio

  • by Pat
  • 6 Years ago
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As the calendar turns to June, golf season swings into high gear in Ohio. Another Memorial Tournament is history and the U.S. Open will be contested at Shinnecock Hills on Long Island. Will the USGA try to kill all the grass at the historic course? Will they let the rough grow so thick that small […]

Spring has Finally Arrived!

  • by Pat
  • 6 Years ago
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It appears Spring has finally reached Ohio. The temperatures are warming up, the sun is making the grass green up and birds are building nests around my house. I even have one pesky woodpecker, who is trying to attract a sexy female by drumming on the flashing that surrounds the chimney on the roof of […]

Spring is NEAR!!

  • by Pat
  • 6 Years ago
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Welcome to the March Issue of Ohio Golf Journal. We are only a couple weeks away from the annual renewal of the passage of Spring, the Masters Tournament. A relatively new tradition of Masters week is the Finals of the Drive, Chip & Putt (DCP) competition that is held on Sunday, prior to the start […]
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