The Els Foundation and The First Tee are Impacting the Lives of Young People.

  • by Fred
  • 5 Years ago
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The Els for Autism Foundation was established in 2009 by Ernie and Liezl Els to focus on the issue of autism in young people ages 3-21.

When Els’ son, Ben was diagnosed with the disorder he and his wife decided it was up to them to do something to combat the disorder that affects 1 in 68 children in the United States. In that spirit they created the Els Center of Excellence in Jupiter, Florida.

This first-of-its-kind Center is focused on a digital e-learning platform that gives any child on the autism spectrum access to best practices in education and therapy. Plus, it helps connect the international autism community with the latest information and research.


The mission statement, for the Foundation and the Center of Excellence, provides for a commitment to help children with autism to fulfill their full potential and lead positive, productive and rewarding lives.


The 26-acre facility serves 300 students ages 3-21 with medical and professional services, research, transition to adulthood, adult living and on-site job training. Els began the Foundation with $6 million of his own money and vowed to raise $30 million to finance the facility.
  • 1 out of every 68 children born are identified as having autism spectrum disorder.
  • More than 3.5 million Americans live with an autism spectrum disorder.
  • About 1 percent of the world’s population has autism spectrum disorder.


Els Foundation and The First Tee 


The Els Foundation also partnered with 14 First Tee locations with Toledo’s First Tee of Lake Erie being one of the first chapters to be accepted. Local coaches attended workshops and training at the Jupiter, Florida Center for Excellence to better work with autistic children in the area. Coaches learned to use visual aids and techniques proven to be successful by the Els Foundation.

The first program was very successful working with six youngsters from northwest Ohio at Crosswinds Golf Course in Perrysburg. All participants learned the fundamentals of golf and created friendships that are continuing outside of the program. Clubs were provided for the participants so that they could continue playing golf on their own.

Watch this video with Gage, one of The First Tee of Lake Erie’s program participants.

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