Toledo Junior Golf Association Celebrates 45 Years

  • by Pat
  • 7 Years ago
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In 1973, two local club professionals Greg Fish and Don Kotnik started the Toledo Junior Golf Association (TJGA) to provide a series of golf tournaments for aspiring junior golfers to learn the game. Karen Stone and James McGill have continued the tradition. The TJGA annually serves hundreds of area junior golfers, who compete in events, hosted at by best courses in the Toledo area.

In 1972, Kotnik was the Head Professional at Highland Meadows Country Club and Fish was his assistant. They both wanted to develop a program for junior golfers and the TJGA was born with the first events held the following year.

Over the years the TJGA has produced top collegiate golfers and several have gone on to become professionals. The local TJGA program was the first of its kind and has been used as a model by many other junior golf associations around the country.

Fish and Kotnik had an idea 45 years ago and that small beginning became a venue to help young golfers succeed in high school and college golf.

Celebrations will be held throughout the year honoring these founders and former TJGA golfers, who have gone on to successful golf careers.

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