World Golf Handicap System Unifies International Golf

  • by Pat
  • 7 Years ago
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Golfers around the World will calculate their handicaps on a more consistent basis beginning in 2020. The new handicap system comes after an extensive review of the current handicap methods administered by the six existing authorities: Golf Australia, the Council of National Golf Unions (CONGU), the European Golf Association (EGA), the South African Golf Association (SAGA), the Argentine Golf Association (AAG) and the USGA.

Martin Slumbers, Chief Executive Officer of The R&A said,

“We are working with our partners and national associations to make golf more modern, more accessible and more enjoyable as a sport and the new World Handicap System represents a huge opportunity in this regard. We want to make it more attractive to golfers to obtain a handicap and strip away some of the complexity and variation which can be off-putting for newcomers. Having a handicap, which is easier to understand and is truly portable around the world, can make golf much more enjoyable and is one of the unique selling points of our sport.”  

More information on the new handicap system can be found at:

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